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possibly the greatest concept of an fps game. the power and satisfaction of fast paced power is what encourages people to love the game, and ways to incorporate skill to complete hard obstacles is a next step, since the enemy projectiles are pin point on the player and small, meaning you would HAVE to take cover in a game that encourages you to dive in on your enemies. the wall climbing is a great implication to a game, easy to avoid enemies and gets you high ground fair and square and can even boost you higher for platforms. but that's the problem, the boost isn't limited, and you can infinitely do in, making it so you never have to come down at all. another thing which is a bug i guess is the enemy collision. not with bullets on enemies, no, the titans as i like to call them are made of certain shapes to represent an in development hitbox, but the way that their made, if they hit another titan they can collide and get their body pieces stuck inside eachother, forcing them to be stuck to eachother and their ai trying to walk at you only just stumbles on eachothers feet. but the way you have the pieces fall off are genius and innovative to allowing devs to have a way to easily make a dev model interaction simulating body parts falling off on the model: like doom eternal where parts fall off on shots. its great fun, neat to play around with, and a wonderful vision. but like youve probably heard more times than you need to,

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