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(2 edits)

Hi, sorry, normaly I play the game, and when I fond something, (like a ending, but not this time, didn't fond it, sorry) I write some key word somewhere on my phone. So, if thing don't go well together, it is because I forgot to come back on it, and make it more clear. But this time, I fond something that I think should be taken care of.

At day 59, with the 2 girl, teacher, there is a problem when it zoom on the police woman, and every time she speek, I think, after see Mia blowjob. "Exception: Sayer "police" is not defined"
And now that I finish this up-date, I understand why you keep Stacy, even when she have only one scene.

And now, what I wrote before finding that.

When we click on the map, and after, book, and close the book, it lead to the previous screen, and remove choise, if it have any. Not a real probleme, we can come back, or reopen the map, just telling you, as my previous screen was black when it happened to me, I was I bit surpresed.

With a even of Nani, it is writed day 47 in the book, but it also work day 46... (Not realy important, just to let you now it)

And realy something to do with bug, just an Idea. I was day 38 night with Roxy at the bar, after that even end, I see writed morning, with the background night. So I go to the beach to see if it is morning or night, and it say "no much to do at the moment, maybe I will have a date here". And with that an idea *pop* (or is it *poop* ?) in the little free space I have in my brains*.
Maybe spend time with Tanya and Sarah, to the beach at night, to take them out (if we can) or one by one at a park, with Sarah in a Wheelchair, and Tanya dresser in clothes.

*Well, I would not call me dumb, but as my mind is full of futa, futa cum, and cum-inflation/belly deformation, I am always suprised when I thing of something that is not related to futa. (And I would like to show you that I didn't ask for it, just telling you my mind is full of it, like my computer, hidding in "homework" *Wink* *Wink*... *Wink* *Wank*).

And you wrote pregnancy , there is still not pregnant girl, but in future update, depanding of the choise we take ?
And sorry, I have say I will do shorter comment, but hé...

Deleted 4 years ago

and also, I know a way to be in debt, and when I go in the back street to see Cindy and Olivia, it say "I am broke" but still have sex, but most of all, when I ask Olivia it show Cindy.

Dear setib,

Thank you for the insightful comment, it really helps a lot.
I've just updated the version to remove some of the bugs you've mentioned. ( the police crashing the game. )
The Roxy scene is a small bug that I will fix for the next version. I've written it down on my to do list.
I'll take a better look into the journal as well.
All the other bugs you've mentioned sadly are there because you're using an older save. It's one of the downsides of playing a work in progress.

Being in debt is not really a problem, but the thing with Olivia and Cindy is, I've written it down and it will be fixed.
As for the Futa stuff, that's complicated. Who knows, one day. I already have to deal with quite a lot of shit from certain people.
The Tanya/Sarah idea is a very good one. I'll see what I can do.

Someone already got pregnant;) I'll develop the storyline more in the next update.

I hope you enjoyed the changes.
Kind regards,


P.S. maybe you would like to become a test-player, it would help greatly.

(2 edits)

Hello, I suppose what interest you more is about the Test-player, so I will start with that. And if there is some people who read comment, and are intéressé, I am a single man (21y, without work.) So I can spend time on internet, and if I have work, I will spend less time to play. I don't like social media, so I don't have tweeter and discord account. But if there is another way to play your game, then ok. Just, as my pc break, before I play your game, I am on phone, so if it is by email, I prefere to wait and have a new pc. And to continue my présentation, if there is a girl, or a man (with, at last, the head) looking like a girl, I am open.

I just see I forgot to add the "not"in the previous  text about Roxy "and  not realy something to do with bug" as it is juste some writing. And for the other bug, you say it is because I have old save, but as I play on phone (64go) I remove the game when i reached the end, and supres the save with an app that was already on the phone (and yes, I skip unsee text, as I have already see it, but the phone don't know it, I always fear to skip thing I didn't see). So I don't know if some file stay after deleting the game, butt I prefer telling you.

About the debt, you don't need to touch it, just telling you who I do it. I play Pamela story until we see Sarah, and with the money, I go see the nun, give them enough money, and give back to Pamela. It is the only way I know who to be in debt and work from the first time I played.

Speaking of nun, if you can give a choise, if it is not too late, on the last event, a good parth, where we giving Alex the serum, and lets him find a remède, to heal Pamela and some other... And don't give it for the dark parth.

As I didn't fond who is pregnant, I will just hope the pregnant girl is not Sophia, for now, as we aren't the one who would have make her pregnant. And I didn't fond the new ending, I have 3 of the last 4 picture, can you give me a hint ? (The day and/or the girl we should see to triger the even).
And when you say "I already have to deal with quite a lot of shit from certain people" I hope you speek about fetiche like "fantesy" and you don't know how to add it (and we can find everything on the Internet and in "porn sub". *wink* And wonder what is the "soon" file on the computer) than people asking to change the mc face, or other thing that would change the story, or thing that would take too much time for something maybe useless or not too useful.

That's awesome setib. I made quite some changes for the android version last update as well.
Let me know when you fixed your pc and stuff.
Yesterday I did a shadow update that removed the bug of not being able to complete the last 3 events.
It had to do with people peeing in the pool too often;)

In version 0.6 or 0.7 you will be able to make a choice between walking on the path of light or darkness.
A hint on the new hidden ending has to do with Lilly's dark path.

Alrighty, back to get some work in for the next update. Cheers!

(2 edits)

"that's awesome" about what ? That I am 21 years old, and still have not a girlfriend and/or sex with someone ? Or that I won NNN ( No Nut Novembre ) for so long ?

Speaking about even trigger bug, I replayed to see the ending, and I fond it... Sadly ( at last for me, as I want good parth ). So I leaked in the pool too, to see what you mean about the last 3even, and, I don't know what are the 3, but I spend my time working all day (so, in a way, your game have a bit of fantesy ;) ) and sleep at evening (you should add a skip time/day or allow to sleep at the morning) until day 60, to see Mia, but I wanted to try other even, see if was a problem skipping all other even. And so I buy the cake for Sarah, but the even with stella are not triggered, for Sarah, but it also mean I can't see with Dr. Rosemary  for day 50. (I know it is ramoray, but it propose Rosemary, I won't spend time corecting the name).

"It had to do with people peeing in the pool too often;)" I-I don't realy know what you mean, I only see a girl saying :
"What a weird expérience today
It feel like the water is of today
It's a bit like seawater..."
B-but-t I assure you, I didn't leak in the pool for fun, thinking it would cancel the effect of the serum, or trigger new even.
And I just see, at one point it take me out saying: not much else going on here. And know it is false, because we could see someone leaking in the pool, or someone leaking in the pool while swiming naked... Or someone relaxing on his/her back in the pool and leaking... Don't judge me please, I just give you more content for your game...

Ho and, as I couldn't do it in the pool anymore, I go were we do it normaly, well as there is no park and tree... And so, I was wondering if, one day, you will add the girl from taimanin, or someone else, with black part ( arm, leg... ) and white part (belly... ).

And for Tanya, yes I love that gir- angel, you have writed "maybe a different lipstick", please, keep her lips black, it is cute, different from other girl, and go well on her.

The awesome part was meant for you willing to play test the game when you got your computer up and working again.

The bug of the last 3 events not triggering had to do with peeing in the pool more than 10 times.
I already put out uploaded a new version where that doesn't happen.
I heard someone else had a problem triggering the Ramoray event, I'm not sure how that's possible. I'll look into that for sure.

Tanya will get some love in the coming update. I have no plans to change her lipstick as of yet.
A skip time button has been noted. I'll look in to that for the next version as well.

Cheer, setib.

(4 edits)

Well, when I have see your comment about not be able to buy the home, I tell myself "chiche" lets do it, see how many day it take. So I work all day, until day 60 where I start see Pamela, to have 30.000 (USD ?, Frank ? Belli ? Zulie ? Gil ?...) And when this even start, it give me a choise to speak to Sarah, or ignore her. The problem is if I ignore Sarah (and it break my heart), the even keep going on, as it should. But, when it should end, I wake up again, in the morning, and it allow my to break my heart again, and again. Endlessy. I can, of course, speak to her, and say I want to see her again, or tell her I am too busy. I don't know if it is a bug, or you wanted it to happend (because some even are triggered by see Sarah), but in that case the previous choise, about ignoring her, is a bit useless.

And also, I have replayed with trying other even, it happened too. But I also have see the bug dusk342 have speak, so I sleep at evening, but it was still saying it was too late the next morning. Sorry, I can't realy explain who it have happened, but see rose for the first time resolved the issue.

And, if we have enough money to pay the house, well for what it cost for now, we may have enough to hire a maid. (Sorry, I don't know if you have other project, or what you want to do with the house, but as you add what people want, I am sure one day you will be asked to add a maid. Maybe not now, but when there will think about it, they will maybe ask and you won't have option to add it, or have to rewrite some story). And, I can wait, but better ask at every opportunity I see, if I am the only one thinking about it, if you don't mind, and I know you say maybe one day, but if you still don't have a Idea to add futa, maybe make the maid a "sexualy" shy trap ? It is your game, so if you don't want, don't do it.

I was going to bed (2h in the morning, where I live when I edited that part) and I was thinking, if you add home and we can take girl there, then you could add ntr (letting him fuck the girl), sharing (threesome with him)...

And by replayed, I have see and remembered thing,

I was wondering if you forgot about Alice, or will you add some scene with her in the future ?

And another thing, not a bug, but the first night, I go to Rose bedroom (already knowing I can sleep with her as I have already played), and when I wake up, she introduce herself, and ask if we can sleep with her. I know it is not a bug when we know the other, but, for me, it is a bit weird to sleep with someone before asking if she/he is ok with it...

Have a good day, and see you in, theoretically, 444.444.445 day.

It's no use grinding for the house since there is nothing there. Great idea to add a maid, it's noted.
I'll make it so in the next update that ignoring Sarah will remove the options of talking to her.
Since the game is in development, not all choices have consequences as of yet.

The bugs about the day cycle have already been fixed in my current build.
I didn't forget about Alice, I'll update give her an update later, since it was more supposed to be a side character.
I'll look into the Rose thing you've mentioned has just been fixed as well.

Cheers, setib.

(3 edits)

"It's no use grinding" yes, ok. But then, I wouldn't see the event day 75, and as you said it is normalized, so there is boy but also girl, they may have girlfriend, but also boyfriend, who play game. And I think girl are forgot in game and porn game... And about Patreons, sorry, I don't have job, but if I have one, with enough money to live by myself, I would gladly give you some money every months.

About event not starting, it may also be because other event are not triggered, for exemple Sarah, we need to go to the cafétéria to have the store. But the store was still locked until I go to the bar with Emily for the 2 time and meet Roxy. So, as you say some girl are side girl, and there is a "real" story, don't know if it would take too much time, but maybe you should add something where the girls are show, to tell where we need to go, to keep going with, and trigger the real story

And sorry about that, but as it is still not added and you know I am into it, I was wondering if the maid you think of adding will be a normal girl, like many other (and in that case you don't need to read the rest of my comment), or will he be a Trap ? Even as a side "girl", and in that case, I have think about some backstory, if you are interested.

-having a job for helping his family, thinking girl is more easily hired than boy, but he still refer himself as a boy. ( Be a bit sexualy shy)

-Maybe kidnapped for someone else debt, and becoming a test for ramoray.

-Two experience from ramoray, a girl with boob, cheerful, as test subject for growing her clit bigger/longer, and a man girl looking, as a test subject to add a pussy to a boy.

In case you introduce him by ramoray, he/they could be hired and working at the mansion after her "experience" successed, but aren't that needed anymore. When you write about the caretaker (mamasan ?), I don't know if you mean girl like rose or Alice, or other girl like the cook for food, but then, why not also the maid/household for cleaning too.

And like that, if we train a girl at home, we could do it alone (mild), or with him/them (wild) or simply him/them alone (NTR) like with rose, in her final test with Don. And it could add one scene for Luna...

(And yes, I am normaly a sweetheart, into soft stuff, and I hate man like Don or Gary. But when the boy is girl-looking, I can see them do more hardcore stuff to the girl. So I don't realy know who you can make a "good" and a "dark" path without ending closely after.)

And don't worry, I love see futas fucking other futas or girls, and maybe us fucking the futa, but nevers her fucking and be fucked by another man(s). So you don't need to make a scene like that, unless you are asked by someone else.

Well, Hope I don't ask too much/ for too many thing, and have a good day/weeks. Until next time.

(2 edits)

Sorry I couldn't wait for the next up-date to write this. (About it, it is in 2-3 week ?)

I know it is too niche for now, and maybe you are not into it, I understand, and sorry to ask so much for it. But in that case, I want (or at last try) to show you who better it is a gangbang/bukake of futa compared of all man, so you may still not like it, but at last, isn't it hot ? Or, at last, cuter then with man ? (Disclaimer, may not be healtly for everyone, and the ordre are made from the nomber of page, not the interes to learn who to like it.) 

 (If you don't want to see all because of some theme, and read all, because it is too long, in the last one, page 102, the story is about a girl having sex with other girls because she have androphobia, she hate man and man cock.) Just to be sure you don't misunderstand me, when I see/think of something, I tell you, but I am not asking for it, the only thing I ask (maybe too much sometime) for is futa...

and last one, just one picture, the best of the breath, or the breath of the best isn't it breastaking ?