Wonderful, wonderful game! Everything about it is great! Clever puzzles, great dialogue, neat mechanics: what more could you want? If you decide to make a full game out of this, please let me know. I'd love to play it! I do, however, have a few suggestions.
First, additional feedback when an enemy is destroyed might make solving the puzzles a bit more satisfying (not that it isn't already). Like maybe add some explosion particles, some more sound effects, and perhaps a bit of screen shake whenever the laser fires. I would also lock progressing the dialogue to one button, as I kept accidently scrolling, causing it to close unintentionally. Lastly, and this is minor but important: a restart button. Killing yourself to restart the level certainly isn't ideal. That said, it did lead to me discovering the hilarious death dialogue, so that was a plus!
Thank you so much for the wonderful game! It absolutely made my day!