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Tricky Vines: 3EX8-C3T1


Hi, I give up - how to solve it?!

you have to transform "text is text" into "vine near text is text", hold space until you are able to go to the other side (make sure there is stil non block vine thingies), you should bring all the blocks that you can into the other side, make sure you have 3 "vine" blocks, now with the blocks you brought, form "text near vine is vine", after that you should push the other "vine" block close to the vines so that the text "vine" turns into another vine (what did i just write), wait until the vine grows all the way to baba, now you should push the "near" block and the "vine" block to "worm is worm" so it forms "vine near worm is worm", now beat the level.........
