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(2 edits)

Hi Guys . 

 I bought game on N Switch and I had my up and downs . Some issue on this game is really annoying ! And one of them is seed bank !!!!

Game lakes some initiate lessons and guides  for some abilities  places like seed bank ! After playing for 13 hour , I can't use seed back yet !!! Why you guys  don't explains some necessary part of game ? . I plant seed in bank lot of time  and next time nothimg I can take !!! 

I opened portal and I was so happy , then ..... it is kinda useless because I can't buy power to proceed . basic powers are useless to defeat those bastards . It seems you don't like to add portal in first place because when you did you punish ppl who use it ! It's no wonder lot of ppl hesitate to buy it guys . Don't get me wrong I like this  game and I really try to enjoy it despite the suffering you guys give  me ! :D . Im not sayimg why game is hard and unfair all I am saying why pp should suffer to learn thing that must be told in first place . I invested 5 time in seed bank and nothing happens , this kinda things are really really annoying gyus .

How can I use seed bank ? I guess that only way to invest seed so we can countinue from portal to  first camp  and have some shard to buy power .  Please answer atleast this question . Im waiting ...

Thanks for the feedback!

The way the seed bank works is that it stores crystals within a single run. So if you deposit some crystals in the forest camp, you can withdraw them at a later camp and get more back than you put in :)