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(2 edits)
  • New list of metals and changes - thought of new ideas to implement in alloying.
    • First off - Changes to Steel -> Adelite becomes Vanadium and Vanadium becomes an accenting metal like Zinc and Tin -> Coal (non-metal Carbon) and Iron will make Alloy Steel -Alloy Steel + Vanadium can make a steel ingots stronger - Vanadium Steel can mine Mithril.
    • Copper - unchanged
      • New Metal Zinc
        • Brass - upgraded guards, price increase - cannot be purchased at all -must be made.
      • No gear for Tin on its own
        • Bronze - Low-tin and High-tin Bronze. High-tin bronze can mine Iron -> Low tin is crafted with a single tin ingot in the smelter (Do not exceed or it will attempt to make high-tin bronze, and spit the ingots out(reject them)
          • Low tin 5x copper 1x tin (flexible amount - but no more than 1 tin) - makes 2 Low-tin Bronze ingots
          • Low Tin bronze can only be crafted into a Bronze one-hand hammer - This hammer is required to work HT-Bronze into gear
            • (High tin Bronze ratio is Less copper - More Tin - It'll still use only 1 tin, but must have more tin to trigger - 3:1 ratio -> 1 bronze ingot, need to be making at least 2 bronze ingots at any one time - so you need 6 copper and 2 tin before firing up the smelter.
          • HT Bronze is required to make a bronze pickaxe, which can allow you to mine iron - or you can wait, sell bronze gear and buy iron.
          • Iron can be worked with LT (Bronze One-hand Hammer) - Iron can also be worked with anything above that, that goes without saying really.
    • Coal - Unchanged (aside from being able to melt it down in the smelter with Iron present - perhaps made more rare
    • Iron - itself remains the same
      • Iron Alloys
        • New Metal/ore - Nickel - useless on its own (for now) can be combined with iron in 2:1 ratio (2 iron, 1 nickel) (invar 36)
          • Invar can't really be used to benefit the blacksmith in his chores, but can be sold for a much better price than Steel (whether its actually better or not remains to be seen) Invar 36 is quote "five times more expensive than 304 steel" (regardless if its actually better or not, I don't care, It exists, its a thing, it fine.)
            • Invar appears to be harder to work with - so counter-balancing its price, is the number of hits WHILE HEATED it requires to take form - Yes, I'm implying that if you mis-click or don't have 5+ str, you may find yourself incapable of forging Invar gear, as it will cool off before you get it finished.
        •  Steel -> Iron + Iron/Carbon = Steel  - for the most part this seeeems like it'd be a 4:1 ratio Iron + 3:1 Iron/Carbon- Can mass
          produce "Cementite" out of coal and iron (3:1) so that you can toss a bunch of iron and cementite into the smelter and pump out Steel - Otherwise you'll need to load a ton of iron in, and toss another coal in after each ingot. (but honestly, I'm having trouble finding exact amounts in terms with a more crude variant of steel.)
          • Steel  and Vanadium(replaces Adelite) -> Vanadium Steel - seen to be stronger. (Steel and Vanadium steel require stronger Hammers to workk - and Potentially vanadium steel will require more than 5 strength (every 5 str reduces number of hits)
          • Vanadium Steel makes up for use what it lacks in price comparison to Invar - Iron and Vanadium Steel can also be used as Guard Price/tier upgrades, additionally, It can be used to upgrade Blacksmith's pick tier and allow them to mine Mithril pre-mithril pick - In line with the previous tier ups mentioned.
        • New Ore- Cobalt
          • Requires Mithril Pick to mine
          • 10 (invar) : 1 cobalt -> 10 super Invar (yes, this is a real name, of a real material - Super Invar 32-5 (63% iron, 32% nickel, 5% (5.5%) Cobalt -> Produces 10...I said that already,
            • This is one of the rare moments where you're basically just exchanging a whole stack of old ingots, for a whole stack of new ingots.
              • All questionable logic or inaccuracies in price/worth/etc can be chalked up to Era/knowledge - This is fantasy Medieval Blacksmithing game - Consider yourself a Genius pioneer blacksmith, and You're literally making brand new unheard of alloys (excluding something like bronze)
              • The Masses have never heard of Invar, whether its weaker, equal, or stronger than steel or Vanadium steel - It (insert reason) sells absurdly well. - It's like having a Decorative sword that's barely a bat, Looks flippin amazing, doesn't actually function well as a sword, Expensive as taint.
              • Equally so with Super Invar - The applications of this metal are - modern... for the most part it seems - But its basically Better than invar, and so, It's going to skyrocket the price - Putting it in line with mith/adaman prices - and if you had a lot of invar left over and actually manage to find a cobalt vein and not strike out only stone - you deserve the upgrade, you little genius inventor you. - Super Invar's only purpose will be gold - I'm even half tempted to say it and invar mine 1 tier /under/ their respective levels, further discouraging their actual usage over steel/vanadium/adamantine
    • Mithril remains largely unchanged
    • Adamantine remains largely unchanged
      • New Ore - Palladium - Accentory metal, much like Brass - this will be used to bolster appearance/price - Every Blacksmith knows they wanna sell dank epic rare fancy lookin loot. Not Sure If Palladium would make an actual "decent" guard, but maybe it can crank up the price when combined with a grip - as I previously suggested for grip production. Palladium is often used in Jewelry, it has a natural look of that "White-gold" platinum look - albeit, being less dense in comparison.
        • Perhaps additionally - we could say Palladium accents would mesh well with Electrical/lightning elements - if gems/elements/etc are incorporated, these two would work very well together, making a better elemental weapon
        • Invar/Super invar, and granted, I'm basically clueless about what i'm actually talking about here - But Potentially might mesh well with Fire element, or might mesh well with ice? Super Invar (and Invar) retain their "form" (don't expand much if any) in a temperature range of negative 67*F to 203*F - "pretty cold" and "pretty hot" not "super hot/cold" sure. but That's why it makes sense?
        • Anyway- mined with Ada-pick, Obviously, since its under this section. - Only suitable for Non-head work, again, accenting the item, not making it.
    • Titanium remains largely unchanged.
      • Titanium accents would likely function well with Corrosive/poison - Improve Heat element - as it can withstand higher heat tempatures (though I do not know if it would warp its shape under constant abuse of higher than avg heat)
      • Titanium would "Control" (one of the quality stats) better than most would expect of a strong material - It is actually "known" for its high strength to weight ratio - which can translate to our usage of it meaning "It stays light, controlable, and still deals a flip ton of damage." - I imagine eventually these stats can play a better part in worth and desire (i.e You'll get occassional customers who go "blah blah blah 'needs to deal xx damage but still be yy control-able - And You'll need to gun for an insane good quality of something, or just run of the mill quality titanium.
  • Room for other materials obviously exists, as mention, please, let sky be your limit
  • Anything Not detailed is either Detailed unchanged, or I don't really know what I'd make the details out to be.
  • I didn't look up brass composition, for example, nor do I know whether I want to say "brass can be mined by copper" (reduced price drastically, but increases chance to get out of copper hell) or say "Has to be bronze" (increases price in line to just under tin or just at/higher than bronze - which I'd say bronze would likely be around 600-800$ - high-tin bronze would have 500 from the tin, and a few 10s from copper in each ingot, and I'd say it would also still need to be a mark-up in value from Tin. (plus its pretty good stuff)

  • Not sure why spacing got out of control, editted it out.