This is really fun!
I love the art style and the silliness to this game.
My only complaint is it does get really difficult, when enemy count begins to increase and I have to travel across the map to protect the chickens. It does get annoying when I leave one of the homes to protect another. Then when I turn around that same one is under attack and I'm like "Bro, I just left that area! xD" Also, if you're doing wave counts, allow the player to rest for a couple of seconds at least.
Amazing game overall. Keep up the good work!
Side note: I'm not sure if I payed close attention to this but maybe the price for opening the chest should increase over time, as a wave passes. Because when it costs 3 coins, and I have like 300+ in my player's pocket, it just feels weird. I'm not sure if I made any sense with that one haha.