Hey Nicoli! Thanks for hosting this jam, I very much like the idea!
I'm going to work on project I made for ScoreJam #11, Iridium Miner. The game is an arcade game with optional story. In game you must protect your spaceship from asteroids by using teleporter, which swaps your places and momentum with objects. You score by collecting mineral left by crushed asteroids. Game was made basically in one day due to time constraints, but core gameplay is in place. Jam rating has just ended and I pushed first update for the game, mostly QOL improvements - but I have still plans on what needs to be improved. It's nothing grandious, but I want to make it more polished experience.
- Graphics - As time wouldn't allow for more, graphics are just placeholders. And it showed in rankings (game ranked nicely practically in every other category than aesthetics). I'm on the fence between two choices: low-poly 3d art or cartoony vector graphics. Not sure how hard it would be to switch sprites to 3D models though...
- Content - Game is quite short as of now, and you're exposed to only one type of obstacle. I'd love to add more story and maybe some aliens to hinder your progress.
- Upgrading mechanic - Allows you to fix the ship between waves and add a few simple upgrades into mix.
- Tweaking game mechanics - I want the game to be easy to pick up, but hard to master. Currently it feels not too bad, but there's always room for improvement.
- Online leaderboard - I'm not sure if there's any free alternatives for hosting it, but I'll look into it.
I would love any feedback on how hard people find the controls. If you come up with some strategies to up your score, I'd love to hear it so that I can tweak gameplay to encourage such way to play (even if you come up with strategy which current mechanics don't allow, please share). Also ideas for new obstacles. I would be grateful if feedback would be written in the comments on the game page.
Edit: I wasn't feeling well on friday, on saturday I didn't feel like doing it and today didn't have time, so no progress whatsoever on project...