This was an optimisation update for the most part, and good grief does it succeeds at that. The automatic surplus works wonders. No more food shortages or surplus micromanagement.
The hauling improvements are also a blessing. Things get done at an incredible pace. I can order a hundred houses and they pop up like mushrooms in the rain as one dude with a wheelbarrow full of bricks just passes by. As a result I have an incredible number of idlers. Previously they'd all be busy hauling shit left and right, now they just chill at home. Which does wonders for my tick rate. I'm pushing 1100 citizens and it's still smooth.
Pig breeding seems to be either very slow or a little buggy at the moment, I'm not seeing new piggies in my pastures.
If I may suggest, maybe put the default sprites in the tilesheet guide (instead of having it empty), so as to make it more intuitive, and tweaks easier maybe? I'd like to see if I can just change the stone walls/towers a bit, but as it stands graphical mods seem meant to be done from scratch.