Thanks :D
Unfortunately, the nomad theme got kinda lost in the end. There was supposed to be more of a nomad-y 'journeying' theme in the actual story of the game. Journeying in the sense of traveling through OS versions, etc... (Maybe it made more sense in my head? Who knows!)
I have added a step-by-step walk-through for anyone that gets stuck:
An in-game hint system would've required more development which probably, if I had it, I would've rather spent on further polishing the game's features.
Most of my time spent during development was spent getting Godot's control classes to behave as I wanted to. For example, I initially used WindowDialogs for the program windows... but those things actually behave horribly in my context! Thus I had to switch to Panels and program the actual closing, minimizing and dragging functionalities myself!
I would've liked to spend a little bit more time getting the Terminal window to behave like I want to (Better auto-focus, auto-scroll , etc...), but I was out-of-time...