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Thanks for the fantastic review Kumada1! I really appreciate you taking the time and posting your thoughts! So good to read! You were very thorough!

In terms of your minor issues:

Verbal Barrage - I thought I had cleared this up in the final document, but apparently I did not! :D It is intended that a character acts once a turn - so Verbal Barrage is a way of taking a higher (or lower) initiative slot for the next turn. In the event that someone Verbal Barraged [apologies] a target in a lower initiative slot, they would indeed swap cards, but since the character had acted already they would be skipped, and the new initiative order applied on the following turn. My oversight sorry - as I said, I thought I had clarified that! 

Good note on the use of terms, I hadn't considered the similarities, thanks for that.

Charmed and Cursed are fuzzy Conditions - it might be that a storm causes all movement on the deck of a ship to be Cursed, and that effect would last as long as the storm does. These conditions are meant to be applied to an in-game situation, and I wasn't clear about when they end for that reason, but should have been clearer about the context in which they do apply (and when they might expire).

Luck - The second, if you have 4D6 Luck, your character has 4 Luck - thanks, I need to clarify that!

Thanks for noting the typos!

Thanks again for your wonderful review! It really made me smile!

