Biggest update yet!
-New arena designed by @YarHarALC on twitter! IF you have an arena design, submit it to me on the community forum! Even rough drawings will do.
-Improved player feedback, more sound effects recovered
-New tracks added to game by Sirmooge, should help to "modernize" the experience.
-MOUSE SUPPORT! Finally! Been meaning to add it for months. Still a bit of tweaking to be done, but I really want to know what you think of it right now. It can be turned on from the DIFFICULTY menu in the options. The reason it's there is because it makes the game EXTREMELY EASY. Use with caution, it can mess up your immersion if you're looking for that sort of thing.
-recovered more files, put em in. They're tiny little things, so I don't see the harm in adding them. Maybe they'll add up to something better down the road.
-updated the logo on the load screen
-added text randomizer to the load screen
Please remember to leave feedback! The discussion forums are pretty dead, let's change that!