This game is really cute! The pastel color design and the relaxing music gives me the impression that the game is going to be fun and relaxing and happy, which I love to see in a game! I love the idea of matchmaking as a concept. Learning about the clients is nice, and I like that I can look for new matches!
Bug?: Your contacts list doesn't seem to update when you get new clients. Is there a way to see more than 4 clients at a time?
Gameplay: I didn't get a single good match out of 5 playthroughs. Because I lost so much, I'm not sure what the goal is. Could you tell me what it was? Because there is so little time to get to know clients, is the main goal of this game to learn as little as possible about the clients and match them up as quickly as you can? I was hoping this game was more about getting to know all the clients and really finding their perfect match. The deadline really defeats the purpose of taking the time to find a perfect match, though. What made you decide to make it so hard to learn about your clients? When you take a step back and think about the gameplay, what did you want the player to focus on? And did you accomplish that goal with what you built?
For me personally, I had a really hard time memorizing so much information about each person. It was hard to keep trying to find things that people matched with. Ideally. if you could build it, at the very least, it would be nice to be able to read two contacts at the same time so I can compare more easily. At the very best, I'd love to see a compatibility percentage indicator to see how easily they match, with green words being matches and red mean that they are incompatible. Please take that suggestion with a grain of salt, though. I'm not sure what goal you really had in mind for the gameplay in the first place. If you wanted the player to have to constantly take notes to find the perfect match, then feel free to ignore my suggestion.
All in all, you have a really sound foundation for a great game. I really look forward to seeing how this develops in the future. And I really hope you'll give us better hints for how to actually make a good match!! hahaha. Thanks so much. You rock. Thanks for all the time and effort you took to make this. I hope you have a great day!