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Hello all My name is Don Osborne I have been a programmer at heart for many years, I started programming back when Timex had a little computer out that used basic as the language, I went from there into C and own up the the more Modern languages we have now. I went to school to become a programmer, They did not show me anything I did not already know, but hey $30,000 later I have a paper saying I know it LOL.  I have been out of the field of programming  for several years now, I have been doing little things here and there to keep up to speed with things.  I have put a few games up for a short time at google play but a change in there advertisement rules got them taken down.  I have been hitting hard the last few weeks into the UE4  the Cluck Cluck-Boom is the out come of that.  I hope to be able start something here that can produce some income as The COVID  has put me out of work for a while.  If anyone finds they are in the same kind of situation maybe look me up and see if we can put something together to help us both or even a team of guys/gals.