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Thanks! I had one person so far who succeeded with Revive but that was quite a while ago so I guess it is broken somehow. What I should really do is to add a SteamVR compatible build. I will put this higher on my list of priorities as I'd love to support more headsets. So far I have been building the core and didn't want to branch out too much into all the work for supporting and updating all headsets. But now the time has finally come :-)

That would be awesome!  Thank you!  I have the HP Reverb G2 and would be happy to report back once I get it working.

I just had someone report in the Discord that Revive works for him! He gave me a short description and screenshots. Are you able to get it running with these steps as well? See here:

If you have further questions please feel invited to join the Discord (! 

I can get it to launch, but it's a flat window.  Nothing in VR, no reaction to HMD or controllers.  Is there some hidden menu or key commands I should try?  I'm on the Discord channel now too, but haven't gotten a solution yet.

For future visitors, it all ended up fine.  I think reinstalling Revive ended up doing the trick, but regardless it runs nicely now!