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Hey I'm making this :

It is a rouge like horde survival game. 

There were was a big update today that added some menus and sound effects, re-balanced the difficulty and added some items:

Take a look if you have the time!

I'll try it today.

Really cool game man, I liked it, unleast the part I could play. :) I didn't want to unplug my controller, because then i would need to take some wires away, it would be a mess. So I would like it if you would add a option to enable or disable the controller. :) 

But anyway, game was actually fun, good graphics, goo game design. :) Keep it up.

If you want maybe check out my games. And maybe join my games Our Republic discord server:

If you would, thank you. Anyways, have a great day!

Hey Creeper thanks for the review. I see how the controller thing can be a problem, I'll add an option to enable/disable controller on the settings. The reason I don't let use controller + mouse at the same time is that you end up having two inputs for the direction the player is pointing and that gets very messy. I'll check out your games!

Nice to hear. Thanks.