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Deleted 3 years ago
(3 edits)

saying that "he spent hours and days making this for us" simply states all of you are then donating for his work not because you want the game, not saying that he doesnt deserve it but it is not a valid excuse

(1 edit) (+1)

Excuse?  No this is no excuse game development takes weeks if not months. What I'm saying is that some of us actually want the game unlike you who thinks you can find a cheaper game then this  (Or a free game) that is better. You want a "Better" game you have to go on steam and pay sixteen dollars for UEBS. Now scoot on out of here and find your "Better" game. -SomeIdiotWhoLikesToArgue

(1 edit)

XD, UEB is trash for $16, never even paid much attention

Shut up. You're pissed because it costs money, you spoiled brat.

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