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Actually. I might as well put down all of the suggestions and ideas I have.

  • An ability to do a promotional period. Where they can promote on shows and do performances.
  • An option to pick to release a mini-album that will take longer to make than a single. It could make you more money.
  • An option to pick to release a full-album.
  • An option to add a Music video alongside which can have a budget slider for how much you're willing to spend on the MV.
  • An ability to create your own genre that can grow in the industry.
  • An ability to buy a license to cover another artist's song that can earn you more fans from the fanbase.
  • A situation where a former idol will accuse another idol of bullying and harassment.
  • An ability to release songs in other languages (like how K-Pop have English and Japanese Releases to help reach out to a larger fanbase)

Big agree on albums and music videos.