Can you add those options in your next update?
1. Could you make it so we can force/unselect multiple IDs by seperating them with a ";" or something else (I tried using group but doesn't really work)
2. Can you add a option to align the choices in the left, center or right, just like the text options... but for choices
3. Also can you add a option that changes the "object width" corresponding to the "Objects per Row", aka If I select 4 Objects per Row I could make a Choice have the width of 3 choices? (75%) or just let the User change the width of the choice in percentage while the max width one can select is 100%.
4. Edit choices seperately from each other, just like the rows ("Open Row settings">"Use private styling")
5. Can you add a choice function that shows the points in real time, like the point bar, but as a choice...