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Can you add those options in your next update?

1. Could you make it so we can force/unselect multiple IDs by seperating them with a ";" or something else (I tried using group but doesn't really work)

2. Can you add a option to align the choices in the left, center or right, just like the text options... but for choices

3. Also can you add a option that changes the "object width" corresponding to the "Objects per Row", aka If I select 4 Objects per Row I could make a Choice have the width of 3 choices? (75%) or just let the User change the width of the choice in percentage while the max width one can select is 100%. 

4. Edit choices seperately from each other, just like the rows ("Open Row settings">"Use private styling")

5. Can you add a choice function that shows the points in real time, like the point bar, but as a choice...


Thanks for the great feedback! :)

I'll add 1-3 with the next update, but I will have to see with nr 4. 

Nr 5 is already possible with Features -> Words, if you use the ID of the point-type, and place the ID where you want to show it in your project.

(3 edits) (+1)

Here are more ideas + some things that don't work

1. Can you add a id to the row>button>Random thing, so I can lower the cost of an option it hits.

1.1. If I have a choice forced on, and I use the random button, and if that forced choice is hit it will deselect

1.2. Can you also add a option to let the Random thing select only options that haven't been select and if it can't select anymore choices (either because it reached the maximum choices available for a row or because all choices have been selected) it just doesn't work.

2. In Row>"Use private styling?" if I edit "Manage Point-Bar Design" it will change the point bar globaly. Maybe you should delete that option, or idk...

3. Can you make the point color editable (Point-bar)

4.  Load/Save Project - Can you add an option that saves it as a .js file  directly, so I won't have to copy paste it. (while also adding an option to chose the viewer version .js file format) Sometimes my notepad++ crashes because the file is too big lol

5. If I go to "Manage points" and set a point type to "This score is not allowed to go under 0.",

if I give a choice a "score of 1" using that point type, it shouldn't be able to go lower than 0 but it can if I choose the  "can be selected multiple times" function.

6. Can you add a "MANAGE TEXT DESIGN" option which allows us to put the text in the middle (height - vertically) 

(2 edits) (+1)

1.1, 1.2, 3, 5: should be easy to do.

4: If I understand correctly then this is already possible, just leave your project-file under the 'Index.html' file with the name 'project'.

1, 6: This will take some work, might not have it done before the next update.

Thanks again, these posts are really useful :)
The Update should be this weekend. 

Nice I'm looking forward to the next update ;P

Here is one last thing I remebered

Can you add a selectable Requirement to the Random thing which makes it unusable if any choices are selected in the row