Excellent! Although I only played one round (and beat the boss), I do have some thoughts. I really like the concept of just one hand for your entire party, every other game that does otherwise feels so clunky. I also enjoy how moving around is not a card effect and does not use energy. However the game takes a few too many concepts from StS, shaking it up a bit would make the whole experience feel fresh. Maybe have a different system for the map? More variety in the enemies would be nice as well, although it looks like you have more in the pictures than what I got. Additionally, adding ways to impact the grid would add to more variety while keeping on-theme and fun, I think. Perhaps hovering over an enemy unit could show its basic intents (how much damage, to who) over its head, for UX's sake. All in all, a very enjoyable alpha, I will be following developement! Godspeed.