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(1 edit) (+7)

It's a neat premise, a little too close to home (dating is hell). That said, balance is off, way too hard to pry detail out of people in the time available, and if you don't interview or try to match they huff off. I haven't matched anyone in 5 or 6 playthroughs, even when it seems the ideal/like/hate line up. 

So high frustration factor. Suggest a difficulty curve? Start off with a few softballs and add more time based on how many matches you get. Something to turn it into a flow state game rather than a beat-the-clock scenario. Each playthrough I'd devote the first 24-26 days to just interviewing and finding clients in the hopes of getting match potential but to no avail. There's challenge enough in just client management and match finding, the countdown just builds arbitrary frustration. I mean understandable as a difficulty driver. I just like flow better than nailbiters. 

Would, on a personal note, love to see more GNC/trans/bi/out there rep, but understand about almost every point I've made that you were under the gun. 

Anyway, for something that implements online it's pretty impressive and please, keep at it! Thx for the effort. 


Thank you for playing.  Yes, we wanted to show how hard is it the dating scene :D
We're still working on the balancing so player will be eased-in easier and there's feature planned that will help you make more accurate match.

for more diverse rep that you mentioned, we would love to add it into the game.
But it's not something that we're familiar with so we're open if anyone can share how to do it right within context in the game.

Again, thank you for trying and the feedback