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Frankly, I loved this Multi-Choice Story. Best of all I've played so far (maybe because I love it when the girls are dressed like in this Story as a Maid). I give it a score of 17/20, a very excellent game, really worth it for its price and to have tried / done it entirely from A to Z. The quality of the images, the scenes are excellent and the stories could do believe it could have happened in real life. We do a lot of playing our character

(A little help for French people who go through there and who like me cannot speak English. Take your cell phone, download the "google translate" application, open it, put the translation from English to French, press l 'icon resembling a camera. Then place your laptop in front of your screen (as if to take a picture) on a small tripod with clamp (which can bend in any direction you want). And you have your "Maid Mansion "translated into French at 90% (takes around 2 seconds per text to display, except for some a little more complex to capture, and unfortunately some unreadable by the laptop (maybe too much light or too dark around the text))

Why despite everything, I withdraw 3 points:

The first point: I directly loved the Akemi Terada character and especially his story of Magic and the dragon (true or false). But unfortunately; the only interaction with her (with 2 choices), is to either "bring her kindly to Tatako" or "punish her yourself" (the worst, I noticed that it does not even influence any history routine that 'we choose to follow). I spent a whole week on the game to find out if we would have another interaction with her (with choices: either to encourage her, to reward her or to continue to punish her, (for example: to make her come, in the evening, in lingerie or with less, to read us / tell the story of a book) depending on the way we decided to play (nice or bad (which means that she could have killed us with a book or a magic spell). the end, or believe in her magic spells to save us from Sarana (in addition speaks of "Jade dragon" at one point) and end with Her)), to learn more about her (unfortunately, she just come back to talk about the bathroom being blocked by someone, or to agree to save Pa Zong)

The second point: the same as the first (with less waiting, but I would have liked to have also). For the characters that I will quote, we do not learn much, see a little. For Chisato Kirishima and Cheryl Page have only one possible interaction of choice (as for Akemi, any choice influences the unfolding of the story in short) For the other four characters, no interaction / action (with choices; J ' would have liked, a desire to see things, but none of that) Mutsumi Yoshida (example: seeing a little forgotten dust of nothing at all in a corner, telling her kindly or punishing her (apparently it's a tradition) to punish in this mansion (but is not really showing, or enough for my taste (without going into pure wickedness))), Makoto (If it is indeed a Girl, because I have a doubt (despite explanation that 'she gives). Having an interaction because of sheet cheating (thanks to another interaction of girls touching herself (apparently Cheryl will touch her breasts with another girls (spying on them for example); I'm still looking for the other girl in question (because I still can't find it)), Romana Maria Gonzales (J I don't know too much about her, except for the fact that she cooks; leaves the bookstore, but stays to spy on the scene with Kaori)

The third point: It is that I have not had enough. I loved it so much that I finished it in a week (despite the fact that I have to use my laptop to translate everything into French). That I would have liked to have more, that it lasts longer. I even redid already made stories (I think I found all the texts, even the small text in a corner, must have been done). There isn't at least one ending with multiple girls (like a Harem), I felt like it would have been possible.

If there were all that, I would have paid double (€ 15 on Steam for the game + the game's soundtracks, or € 30), or even go up to € 40 in total, because this game is a nugget so that we can play it for hours and hours without getting bored (and it is very very rare that I make a comment for a game (especially very long))
I might even think about having a personalized dakimakura of a character made later on thanks to Fiverr then Halodakimakura (just for me), but I just made one, so it will wait a bit (J 'still hesitating on 3 personal, Akemi, merumi or Takako, it will surely end with the 3 (2 for the back and 1 for the front), if I can't choose) (it made me want to have my maids 😍result, they managed to end up in my wallpapers of my mobile :3 )
Otherwise I hope there will be a DLC of this game to complete it but I do not believe too much, because apparently you are on the creation of a new game / story.

Too bad I only recently discovered the game, otherwise I would have participated in the project

after all this is only my point of view, my tastes and my desires

(I forgot to specify but on Steam, sometimes after about an hour of play, I can no longer save or load a game (noting that it has an error) and having to restart the game, to correct the problem .or then, a backup, taken again the next day to continue and redo the story with the same route to reread it, did not give me the same end as before. This is only details that do not me really annoy, considering I played it for over 51 hours (without Steam, would have even known x))


We don't have any plans for DLC or a sequel right now. As you said - we are working on our next game Sinful Sisters.

I'm glad to hear that you liked the game so much and appreciate you taking the time to write all of this! Merci beaucoup!!