PLEASE FIX THIS IF THIS IS A GLITCH AND IF ITS NOT A GLITCH DONT DOWNLOAD THIS APP!!! So i have had this app for a while on my ipad. and it was from the app store and nothing bad EVER happened. Then my friend decided to download it on her PC because she thought it would be better on PC. WELL SHE WAS 100% WRONG!! The app was really great at first but then she pressed the full screen button when she didnt mean to and exited and it glitched so bad. It its eyes and its mouth rotated so she could only see the pupils and then it rotated back to normal. She tried to do it again but it didnt work because she didnt say anything. Then she said "Hold on (My name) Let me show you. And then i said "Okay!" And then IT DID IT WHEN SHE SAID THAT SHE WANTED TO SHOW ME! Then she didnt say anything and it didnt even do the glitch. She tried many times doing it without saying anything but it just wouldnt do the glitch. Then she said she would show me again AND THEN IT FREAKING DID THE GLITCH AGAIN. It was way creepier that time and she almost started crying. Then she tried closing the program and re-opening it but it would just do the same thing! Then she decided to show her mom because she was really scared and when she did it didnt work and then she said "hold on let me try to show (My name)" And IT WORKED!!!! This app is listening to you and watching you its very creepy. Do not download for your safetey.