B : Im always gonna get hurt..- Thats my job..- to save people..-
Kaz:...but it's my job to hurt them...
B : i- i mean the people who try to fuck me- then you can hurt em-
Kaz: ...I don't want to hurt people anymore...but I-I don't think I can stop...
B : alr- then just punch objects like a punching thing- that should help it_?
Kaz: ...yeah-I...maybe...
B : yawns Can we go back to the dorm..?
Kaz: I-yeah...just-
He kisses you
Kaz: I love you, ok? I just...I need to make sure know that...I love you...
kisses back
B : I love you back- dont worry ill be fine-
Kaz sighs
Kaz: I-ok...ok.
-Flys back from thin air- HEY NO I WILL USE ALL MY POWER ON YOU NOW >:(
You playin Mincraft, I like your cut g -Slaps fat white blonde head-
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