B : oh god..-
Kaz: Why isn't it working!? I-owww....
He grabs his side
Kaz: Oh-oh shit this really hurts...I-I don't know if I'm going to...
Blood is gushing out of his wound and he's really pale
Kaz: Baku-I...I think I'm going to-
He passes out
B : i- ... this is the time to say it.
( I can't watch that right now I'm sitting in the same room as my mom)
Kaz is passed out. He's real pale, and he's losing a LOT of blood
(I-Oh my gosh I just watched it-Yeah...yeah)
Kaz is passed out on the bed
B : shit..-
Blood is spreading from his wound all over the bed
gets wrapping and wraps with
Kaz groans in pain but he doesn't wake up
B : Uh...-
B : what would old hag do..- WHAT WOULD SHE DO?!
The blood is soaking through the wraps
thinks and gets idea gets more wrapping and puts around