Hey man nice game! It's made very well imo and gives me an idea of my own. Could I ask a few questions if you don't mind?
1.where did you get all these sound clips from. is there some website or something to get them? or you clip them yourself?
2. the art I presume you did it yourself? If so was from photoshop/paint?
Reason I ask is after seeing your game it sorta inspired me to develop something similar with RPG Maker and would be nice to find some resources I could possibly use. I will probably do my own art though just need to know how to go about it.
The sound clips I want to use but not sure where to find them. Obviously I will give you credit whenever the game gets done. It probably won't be for awhile though since i usually take time with my projects.
Anyways like i said if you prefer not to give me any answers I totally understand and respect that. Again though you made an awesome game and I think you should continue it and add more content to the game down the line. It could really be something really great.