Cam grabs your hand. The woman laughs
???: Oh, sorry. You probably don't remember me, it's been almost 10 years-I was a friend of your're the spitting image of your father you know-
milo: *hold you hand* ...
???: And who's this?
Cam: Oh-um...this is Milo, she's my girlfriend...
milo: h-hello...
???: Well hello there. That's quite a convincing glamour you've used to hide her, Cam...
Cam:...what? I-I didn't-
milo: w-what?...
Cam: I-I didn't-I don't even know how to-
???: Oh sure, this looks great. Course, I've been trained to see through fae illusions by now...
Cam: I-fae-what!?
milo: what?....
??? mean-you don't know? Your father was fae, Cam...
Cam's face goes pale.
milo: i-im lost here...