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I'm in another rp but sure

they haven't responded for a while though


this is Samuel

he looks human but doesn't seem so u-u

Ooooohhhhhh...this looks like a job for Damien! 


sorry I had to go eat and my parents wouldn't let me leave the table

Sam: -walking home from school-

Damien's sitting on a bench nearby on his phone 

Sam: -goes inside his apartment- -a cat runs up to his leg and rubs it as he twitches- (he's got tics)

Damien walks inside the building 

Damien: To himself ...What a sh*thole...still, it's better than nothing...

Sam: -he picks up the cat and it scratches him- ow! . . Rude. -the cat looks at him annoyed and runs off-  . . Well.

Damien bends down and pets the cat

Damien:...good kitty...

-the cat looks very proud and is rubbing your hand-

Sam: -he decides to just start studying on school work-

Damien picks up the cat, which let's him, and walks up to your apartment. He knocks on the door

Damien:...umm...hi, is this your cat?