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Here are some tips for people struggling to build their towers

1. start with a big base. This is pretty obvious one but it has to be said. having a tower that's only 3 or 4 blocks wide is going to lead to a poor time. My final tower was 7 blocks all the way up, but still had some stability issues. Bigger is better

2. When you let go of a piece that's clipping with another piece, they push at each other until they're separated. Use this to your advantage to push into place any pieces that slide apart or to smooth out any oscillations. 

3. Have pieces interlock. When you have pieces that don't overlap each other, it becomes easy for them to separate and cause a bad time. Save yourself some pain and have pieces overlap themselves. using a long piece horizontally is great for that.

4. And the most important one, don't give up! Every time your tower falls, learn from that failure and build it even higher next time. No matter how disheartening it is to rebuild,  you will make it to the top.


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