Here is every single choice in the game that affects the outcome. The rest dont do "anything" on the bigger scale as far as i noticed. Also note that i wrote the lunch dates separately, as they were in a different file. Seems Soren aint the central character to woo afterall, since he barely affects purity.
Purity system:
On the phone: “I’m a friend of Rivers” +1 purity // “I’m Skyye Manning’s brother” -1 purity
To Ted: “Everyone matters” +1 purity
To Ted: “Play along” -1 purity // “Refuse” +1 purity
To Ted (only after previous “Play along”): “Play along” -1 purity
Meeting John and Jon, preferring: “John” -1 purity
To Hunter: “I can look past it. Job’s a job.” +1 purity
On the phone, favorite person: “Tad” -1 purity // “Timmy” +1 purity
In the clinic: “River’s results, actually” +1 purity
Hunter and Timmy, about being friends: “We’re not.” -1 purity // “We’re getting there slowly” +1 purity
To Evander: “Ask for his number” +1 purity // “Rush out” -1 purity
Soren and Abzi lunch: “Lie” -1 purity
Soren and Abzi gossip: “Partake in gossip” -3 purity
Soren outside smoking: “Check” +1 purity
Fluffing Chuck: “Maybe it wont be that bad” -1 purity
Figure outside*: “Call Evander” +1 purity (also determines the variable “Evander’s heart and Soren’s heart depending on who you call, check other post)
Police: “I hate the police” -1 purity
A co-worker was: “Murdered” +1 purity
Pornscene: “Give them a show” -1 purity
Inviting Evander (only with Evander’s heart): “Invite Evander” +1 purity // “Don’t invite Evander” -1 purity
Liking a party outfit: “Abzi” -1 purity // “John” -1 purity // “Jon” +1 purity
Soren’s decorations: “It’s certainly innovative” +1 purity
Jon’s breakdown: “No, I don’t.” +1 purity
The “facetime” part is weird.. If your purity is 10 or above, you get the cliff facetime. If its under 10, and you have Evander’s heart (called him), you get the Bittersweet End.
“Else”, you get the Retired end #7.
But this is weird, because you need to be either at or over 10 purity or have Evander’s heart to survive Starface, yet this part comes very shortly after him, so theres no time to affect the variables anymore..
Lunch scenes:
“What do you think of Abzi, Adam?” Lunch with Soren and John
“He’s hot” -1 purity
“He’s a gracious host” +1 purity
“Don’t like him” nothing
“I find the idea...” (of holding a gun) Lunch with Evander
“Comforting” nothing
“Exciting” -1 purity
“Scary” +1 purity
“Nothing Timmy did came from strength or professionalism.” Lunch with Hunter
“Agree” nothing
“Disagree” -1 purity
Hunter congratulating about Adam’s first scene (Soren and Hunter lunch)
“It’s a reason to celebrate” -1 purity
“Dont know yet” nothing
“It’s not” +1 purity