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Sam: it's like how humans meet or fall in love but angel an and human. The reason they are there at that moment, place, and time might be different, but its technically the same. why?

Cam: I just-I've never met angels before...I've met fallens, demons...I just assumed angels didn't come to earth-

Sam: why wouldn't they?

Damien shrugs 

Damien:...I don't know...

Sam: uhm, ok then . . What to do now?

Damien: Oh, I don't know. 

Sam: -he slumps into the couch, thinking- wanna go to . . The park?

Damien shrugs

Damien: Sure.

Sam: ok!

-by the power of role-playing magic you are already at the park-

(role playing magic: The most powerful magic of allll....) 
Damien walks around with his hands in his pockets 

Damien: This is nice...