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Damien: I-it's ok. Is your head alright? 

He pulls you into his lap and checks your head for bumps or cuts

Sam: of course im- -his face turns even redder but he just stays quiet- . . -he's bleeding a bit but its not that bad, he'll just get a bad bruise-

Damien sighs have to be more careful. What if you had seriously hurt yourself? 

Sam: -he shrugs- . . anyways we should probably get home, its late . .

Damien: ...Yeah, ok...let's go...

Sam: -he stands up and starts walking torwards the apartment building-

Damien walks behind him 

Damien: Hey, I-I think I saw a shortcut earlier...

Sam: really?

sorry i had to do a chore

(nah you're fine!) 

Damien: Yeah, right down there- 

He points at an alley you can't see the end of

Sam: thats . . thats creepy-