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Damien sighs 

Damien: For trained professionals, you're not very quiet. C'mon out...

Sam: .

max: -just kinda walks underneath the couch.-

Three people slip out from the shadows, where they were blending in perfectly 

???: You always were a natural at this, Dames. Shame though- 

She looks at Sam 

???: Seems you're going soft...         

Sam: . . Excuse me for a moment. -he walks into another room and yells in frustration, then comes back- :|

Max: -mind: dang bitch, chill-

One of the other people comes to get you, and Damien pins their arm behind their back 

Damien: I'm not gonna let you hurt him- he's an innocent! 

Sam: yeah, I'm innocent- i like cats and grow plants -#1 idiot right here-

Damien's struggling to hold the guy back 

???: we need his blood, Dames. Y'know how much just a vial of that stuff is worth on the black market? We'd be rich kid-you could have your old life back...       

Damien: it doesn't matter. I'm not going to hurt innocent people! 

Sam: is this a good time to say I can possibly melt faces off because you all are getting on my nerves because I was about to sleep, so maybe comeback in the morning. Just not right now. Ok? Ok.

Max: -comes out from underneath the couch- -mind: ah yes it seems the mortals are fighting over me-

One of the people lunges at you. Damien lets go of the other guy  

Damien: NO!                                                   

Sam: -he walks to the side and you fall on the floor- wow.

Max: -he walks up to them and lays on their back- 😏