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oh ye I'm dumb))

-anyways I guess skip till when they are in the hospital-

The hospital people rush Damien into a room, You go to follow them but one of the nurses keeps you outside

???: Sir, I'm going to need you to tell me exactly how this happened.

Sam: uh well, a bunch of creepy dudes broke into our apartment and attacked us? We kinda uh . . Stabbed 'em back though ._.

#1 summary~2021

???: You were attacked!?...Did you get a good look at their faces? 

Sam: not really . . But I do know one of them was a girl if that helps a bit?

???: And you said you attacked them back...did they escape? 

Sam: I don't know i wasn't looking at them, I think so?

???: Ok. Well, don't worry, you didn't break any laws since it was self defense...We'll contact the police and have them investigate your apartment. They should be able to find the culprits.  

The doctor comes out of the hospital room with a few nurses 

Sam: uhm- ok.

The doctor comes up to you 

???: You came at the perfect time. Any later and he would have lost too much blood. Luckily, the knife didn't do too much damage but we did have to give him some stitches-

Sam: not really . . But I do know one of them was a girl if that helps a bit?