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Sam: I mean . . If you looked around.  . You would have found out so . .

Damien lays back down 

Damien: Shit...

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Sam: :| sorry . .

Sorry I had to eat))

(nah you good, I'm just in virtual detention :p) 

Damien: No, it's fine....thank you. You-you saved my life...

Sam: no i didn't the doctors  did- all i did was called 911 or something- if anything i put you in risk of losing your life -that sinks into his brain- oh my gosh you could've died because of me . . o-o's ok. No one ever taught you what to do in that situation, and you probably didn't think you were ever going to end up there. But...they're going to keep sending people. And-and if this gets on the news  or anything like that...

Damien shudders

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Sam: th-they are?

Damien: Yeah, it's-it's a pretty big underground organization...

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Sam: -he looks scared now-'ll be ok...