Cam sees an arts and crafts store
Milo: would you like to go there?. *shes sees what u are looking at*
Cam rubs the back of his neck
Cam: Umm...
Milo: um u okay babe?..ur saying um..
Cam: I-yeah, I-I would like to go inside...
milo: okay babe you could've just said so *she boops your nose and walks into the store*
Cam walks inside and his eyes immediately light up
Cam: I-it's so big...
Milo: *even her eyes light up*
Yea it is!! lets look around*holds your hand*
Cam breaks away from you and starts looking at all the paints and markers and stuff
Cam: I-look at all this stuff! This-this is amazing!
milo: aw he left me :( y-yea it it! *she goes to the paint aisle*