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Being honest, this is NOT the most unique game I've ever played!

IT FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALSO WHY did you make the name of your game Trans........ i hate those people....... they are scary and slow in the minds........

here is a Video for You, Maybe It WIll help you with your next game (Hopefully you never make another one faggot):


Hello!!! i couldn't help but notice you being a homophobic waste of space, being trans is okay and f@ggot is a slur. Reported 

have a nice day :)


Reported for saying the f word


another report for the f slur and just being trans/homophobic. its 2021, calling someone the f slur isn't an insult, and just shouldn't be said. get a life. 


imagine thinking a person is lower than you just because they think and go through different things than you lol what a loser, get reported idiot i hope you stub your toe when its cold




1. wtf is up with ur profile pic

2. you are the "rude" here just look at your comment


listen this is all i have to say to you at this point. my brand new game just came out, play it please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!