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Pretty good, you're really developing the whole dynamic here. Good thinking on the optional S-link with the Twilight date.

What we've done for Twilight is that she has 10 S-Links that work s non-bimbo. Then after that it's her bimbo arc, if the player chooses to bimbofy her. So yes yes the normal path and the bimbo path are seperated. Cheerilee can maximum reach bimbo level 5 in the normal one.

Of course you don't have to do 10 S-links for cheerilee if you wish to proceed to her bimbo stage already. It's just a demo afterall. 

I swear I'm not making situations for you to draw new pictures, although I guess that's inevitable in the long run.

I've been reading up on smut for research, which is going all fine and dandy on my end, but I'm wondering though if there's a certain date or time you want me to get material or stuff back to you guys. If there IS a date to shoot for, I definitely am okay with aiming for it. As it is I'm currently taking my time trying to make sure what I'm writing in concept is solid.

Don't want the situation to be where you're basically waiting on the bit of Cheerilee's bimbo path before you shell out a demo. Don't like the idea of keeping you guys waiting.

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No there isn't any set date, it's just about being careful not to suddenly lose track of things. 

Right now it's all about the writing and the programming to move things along, the art has reached a point where it can quickly catch up with any new material that's out.

Yeah the entire thing is bottlenecked by me, the programmer, and since I'm just doing this as a hobby the updates tend to be hella slow. While I am adjusting my schedule, for now, on the writing side, there's no rush. Take as long as you need to.

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Got it!

Cheerilee link 7 and 8,
96 days later.
I'm so sorry
I'm gonna try to have link 9 and 10 done by the end of Monday.

''Cheerilee: “You served me well my minion! Now the school is in the palm of our hands!”

Cheerilee throws her head back and gives a fake evil laugh.''

Gosh that was just too cute. In fact this whole S-link narrative has developed really well, absolutely enjoyed it. Even think this is good enough on it's own without it needed to be a bimbo good, probs for that.