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Loving the demo. I do have a couple issues though. I seem to be getting random flashes. Not sure what they're supposed to be from. It's just like a shot straight into my eyes. The other issue is I have a hard time seeing my shots. Maybe there could be an option to set the color? I think a neon green would be easier to see. Can't wait for more of the game or the full release!

Oculus 1 or 2 version? Do the flashes appear playing in the arcade? In the first immersion zone? In the second?

(1 edit)

Oculus 2 and I believe only during the arcade section. I was thinking maybe it it was from something happening in the foreground, like how some planes start up close and drop down to the screen, and the models were clipping into my face (the camera) causing a flash. No planes fly in immediately after however. I played several times and it seemed to be a dynamic type of thing. I don't think it was happening the same amount of times at the same places.
One more issue I thought of and also noticed in a youtube review. The cockpit in the first immersion zone seems a little too small. We're clipping through one side or the other of the canopy when we look around. Could be just a touch bigger or wider. Not a major issue but I noticed it.

*I played a few more times and I'm thinking the flashes happen only when my plane is badly damaged and on fire. This last run I didn't get hurt until the end and didn't see any flashes.