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is the save new, old version, or aged?

If you've been playing for a while you may try clearing the orders filled board every once in a while (right when you load up and after 10 or so orders)

You /could/ try deleting the orders completed code from save file but.... I don't really know how or if that'd cause any damage. - so unless you figure out how, don't recommend.

Additionally if you've been woodcutting for a while - You might have several dozens of trees with several dozens of stacked trees spawned on them.

You can completely, including fuel which may not be desirable remove the duplication by opening Save file with notepad++ and searching for and replacing all instances of "Nature" with any other 6 letter word (For example Naturd, or Dragon)

Nature is the sub-asset category for all things Touched by you involving wood. - Tree-base (0-100%) (Tree's do not become "Tree base" until you strike them with your axe for the first time, and they start at 100% after the first hit, and then start chopping down.) (Deleting tree bases will not remove trees, they remove the duplicated trees. Trees are spawned by engine, not save game.) Log (1-100%) and "chopped wood" (firewood) (1-100%)

Whatever keeps the "0%" tree-base from properly removing itself from save file

and later restores it to "100%" is also the same bug that restores 1-100% coal and Firewood to "100%" on reload.

Additionally as I was just informing someone else - If you've been saving and reloading alot - Also Delete the Blueprint near Greatsword display.

It duplicates, and I don't exactly know whether its just, anytime you reload, or when its touched by something - and if its not moved "much" it spawns a new one into the old one almost perfectly. - you could have 13+ of them occupying the same physical area - causing a mess of engine stress  - You can incinerate these once you know how to build stuff and do so every reload.

It could be Unreal Engine. Some people have complained UE4/UE just doesn't work well on their computers, no matter the game.