Very smooth, and polished game! My high score is 19262!
Here is my feedback:
What do I like?
- I liked the mechanics, and the gameplay of the game.
- The graphics and the animations look nice.
- Nice SFX. (The shooting SFX is charm!)
- The UI look pleasant.
- Nice particle effects.
- Sometimes the enemies glitches, when they collide with each other.
- When you move the crosshair over the player, the player keeps rotating on itself. (I think this is a bug)
- Display the highest score, somewhere, maybe on the main menu.
- Possibly, you should work on enemies idle animation.
- "Click to start/restart", maybe, display them, like they are flashing. (Turning on and off)
- Perhaps, make the enemies interact with each other.
- When the game restarts, make the ground tidy.
- Maybe, add the ability to go to the main menu, and retry the game, by keyboard or something.