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Overall was an interesting game, the stats mechanic was interesting and felt like a tailored difficulty system.  With a bit more variety on them and multiple uses etc. it could be interesting to "guess" what a certain boss will need.  Though currently damage is a bit overpowered.

Some quick feedback tho:

  • The music was nice, though the majority of the games sound to me sounded a little too high pitched, plus the seeming issues with the jump sound.  
  • Movement was pretty fluid, other than a few bugs with the wallsliding mechanic.  Though one thing I'd say is the wallsliding mechanic feels a little overpowered, especially with the first boss.
  • Boss design was interesting, though a little lack luster.  The final boss mixed it up a decent amount and if the others had done the same I feel like they would have been more interesting.  Especially the third "Triangle" boss, which since I had auto aim and most of the other upgrades when I faced it felt relatively easy.
  • The "purchasing" of bosses.  First off isn't really explained and it's a little grindy, specifically with the first one, but just overall.  I feel like maybe increasing the difficulty of the later bosses and adding more variety could help. That way rather than gating the bosses behind a "paywall" you could gate them behind difficulty.  Maybe Mega-Man style to try and force a specific route?
  • Feedback was a hard thing to see if it was there, there wasn't much indication of when you had been hit or when you had hit the bosses, other than the health bars changing.  
  • UI Placement, this weirded me out a bit, I'm not sure why the placement was changed from the tutorial level, but having it in the middle of the screen was a little weird, and especially with the first boss being the same color as your health it blended in slightly.  So more of a personal recommendation would be to move it to it's original location.
  • Some QOL improvements to the current game I'd suggest would probably be a "restart boss" button to easily replay a boss rather than having to reset the stats and start the boss again.  As well as possibly adding the stat changes you made per boss being saved?  It got a little repetitive having to re allocate stats and such.

This was a pretty polished game in all, the one thing I was hoping for was more content, though it is a jam game and that's generally how it seems to go.  It did end up repetitive a few times so speeding up the pacing would be nice in some instances.  Otherwise though the concept itself seems interesting.