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Thanks a lot for such a detailed comments. Yeah the sfx is not very good I have to admit. For the heart system, you are right about the demon(and thanks for noticing it!),  it is kind of a reward for those who play this game more than once. Also the heart generates randomly in each room, so it is not based on if you lose one before or not. I'm curious what is the normal heart system you mentioned? And yes we were plan to have some ability to regenerate your health, but we didn't have time to add it...

About the random bouncing...  yeah it is a bug. I haven't figured out how to fix that, might be some misconfiguration in the physics system. Also planned to have an ability to slow down/make heart stay longer, but no time to work on the whole ability system.

Agree with the mouse thing. the current input is more like a salute to The Binding of Isasc. Will consider changing it to mouse shoot if I'll keep developing it/make some similar games later.

Again thanks for playing it and leave such a good comment.


Thanks for replying.

The part in bold collapses with this being a game jam game: "For the heart system, you are right about the demon(and thanks for noticing it!),  it is kind of a reward for those who play this game more than once"

It takes me about 10-20 minutes to play and rate each game while also trying to notice the flaws. Then, another 5-15 to write the comments.

I'm pretty sure I'm one of the people that takes the most time on each game. From what I heard, most people just play for 5-10 minutes and not even write a comment. I'm pretty sure you can understand how the part in bold collapses with this being a game jam game.

Regarding the "Also the heart generates randomly in each room, so it is not based on if you lose one before or not", do you mean randomly like actually random or there is a chance that each heart you lost regenerates on the next runs? If you mean actually random, you probably should add a system that checks how many consecutive rooms/days the player did not get a heart and increase the chance of the player getting hearts on that room, as I did not find a single heart on later rooms ( maybe I'm just unlucky ).

Thanks again for replying and playing my game.