This game just makes me want to speedrun it so much. The controls are tight, the level design is superb and the introduction of every new mechanic is awesome. Some Feedback:
- MORE LEVELS!! The game is awesome, if you hadn't told me it was 30 rooms I honestly would have thought it was 10. Just another level to go through with the controls and difficulty curve.
- The mindset behind the way you approached the graphics is awesome, I personally always enjoy mechanics and gameplay way more than graphics so it was great to play through this game.
- One slight improvement I might mention is it feels as though the player is a little hard to control is some of the more precise areas. It's just slight but specifically I had some trouble with the room where you're scaling an area with platforms and spikes. Maybe adding a slight acceleration when you start moving to make it easier to have small precise movements on presses could help? Just more of a personal preference though so take it with a grain of salt.
Seriously though, I'd play through another level of this if you could make it, in the meantime I'm definitely playing through this a ton though.