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I'm also interested :) (I practise meditation & taichi) Videogames and meditation may seem 2 worlds apart, but as an expression medium videogame can deal with any subject, so why not meditation? I'm curious about your games :)

I've thought a bit about how could videogames convey interest in self-cultivation. Most games rely on heavy use of external senses (sight, sound, touch,..), pattern matching, learning automatic reactions to stimuli, etc.. and it's exactly what meditation try to get rid of! Finding inner calm, be open to stimuli but not follow them, finding the deeper parts of yourself, may seem difficult to use in a videogame :) But fortunately, videogame ecosystem is so rich that many genres exists, and new genres are yet to be found!

ps: some years ago, Ubisoft released a game along these lines: (you have to genuinely be aware of your breathing, etc) Did'nt try it because it uses a special device, but looks interesting.

Thanks for the reply, @gludion :-) Those are really interesting points! I really like the idea of a game centering on the concept of being open to stimuli but not following them. It has my wheels turning with ideas.

Most of the concepts in my head right now are playful reminders of mindfulness concepts (not following thoughts, returning to your center, focusing on gratitude, etc.) 

For me, it's so easy to pick up my phone and start mindlessly using it - scrolling through twitter or playing a puzzle game or whatever. I want to mobile create games that tap the player back into their intention (because it's so easy to forget when going about a busy, online day).