I reached a score of 2114 and I have to say it's a really fun, polished game with a lot of potential. I do have a few issues with it, however. First of all, there's just too much screen shake. IMO it should be reduced significantly with perhaps an option to turn it off altogether, because at some point you can even tell where you are on the screen. That brings me to the second point - I wish the character was more visible against the enemies/background so it's easier to locate in a mass of demons.
Those are pretty much my only issues with the game though. At one point I thought I was being clever hiding in the corner and just shoothing everything, until the enemies started shooting back! I really like that you included those enemies, because they kept me from cheesing through the game. The art style is a bit binding-of-isaac-esque. While it's not my cup of tea, I can appreciate it for how well done it is.
All in all a very good job, and I would like to see more of this game, with powerups, different weapons and perhaps more characters with unique traits. Great job!