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(1 edit)

First - for the game with multiple walkthroughs and sooo maany ssllloooowwww trraaaansiiitiiiooonnsss you MUST have skip option. For text AND effects.

Second - there is a problem with text, sometimes it won't appears. For example i'm still dont know whats written on classmates desk and world map. And there is some logic glitch with empty trashcan.

Third - game is really nice and atmospheric, but a bit short.

Thank you so much for the advice. Yes, this is my first try as an indie game developer. I know it is not perfect. I will try to fix the issues you just mentioned in the future update and adding the skip function maybe. Thank you so much for playing my game!

(1 edit)

Oh, and there is one (from what i've noticed) untranslated line.

And again game is really good, i hope it won't be the last from you.

BTW if you are intrested in russian localisation, i can gladly help.

weird, I will check that. Thank you so much for the report.