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(1 edit)

As you wish, here you go. + Edit in the post before.
Edit: If you Read that part at the Top, yes i do have a nearly 8 year old GPU. x'D Can't wait to get my Hands on a Threadripper and RX Vega.

Nothing useful in that log. So was this a one-time thing or have you been able to reproduce this problem? Is it still happening in your current level?

it's a one-time only thing. i was trying this four times by now, starting in my previous save. i think that was just a glitch maybe based on my own unity installation? or visual studios or what ever.

Just to check, have you used the level editor on this level at all, or modified the save file in any way?

No, but is there one? x'D

An unofficial one but yes, there is!

Thanks for helping everyone out on Itch btw! If you want you could join our Discord server and speak to others about Autonauts :)

(1 edit)

no problem, is my little "brain-fart" to help if i like something. i'm already in your discord by the way. i will send you a message. 

ok i know that you where two - but i only see one dev and i'm not sure if it is you. x'D


I'm Aaron. The other guy is Gary. I do programming, he does design, art and audio :)

Hey Denki, i try a lot the last days in my spare time but i can't reproduce this Bug.
I will switch these days to V8 or maybe i need to skip to next Monday because my Workload is granting me not much time to play anyting. 

Ok no problem. I've had a few other people report it so hopefully someone will produce a log file. Thanks

i see, good to know and i hope you can fix it. i updated my game and see, the save game from 7.1 loaded in 8.1 nearly fixed the weed problem. ;)