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This was really fun, the animation behind the melee was especially fun to just mess around with and feel like a badass murdering enemies.  The lightning was cool for use as a ranged but honestly I just used the sword mostly.  As for some clear feedback tho:

  • The feedback for actually hitting enemies, which does seem to be there somewhat based off the "real" boss is a little lacking in my opinion because early on (and I'm still not entirely sure if this was just hit detection) I had a few times where I seemed to kill an enemy with the melee attack, but it ended up having no effect.  Even after multiple attacks.  And on the majority of enemies the feedback indicating you actually managed to land a hit isn't all to clear, maybe some sort of flash or slight stun animation could help?
  • The lightning attack feels a little too strong, personally as I said I enjoyed just hopping around with the melee, but the spammability of the lightning and the fact that it seems to knockback enemies means that you can essentially just spam it at them and either insta-kill or keep them back until they die.  Maybe making it so the abilities can reach 0% could help?  That way if you spam either you end up having to switch up your play style.
  • Invincibility frames seem to be sort of lacking throughout.  There were quite a few times where I would attack an enemy and as it ended get hit back and since I was still moving in the direction I attacked I would be knocked into the enemy again after being knocked back.  Maybe adding an extra frame or two to the melee attacks (I'm assuming) invincibility frames at the end could help, it could also help with people attempting to chain them, and if you added the fact it could reach 0% I feel it could balance out how spammable it is.
  • The concept of forcing you to mix up your playstyle by lowering the effectiveness of the opposite ability sounds interesting, unfortunately though since it changes anytime you actually use the ability I basically ended up spamming the opposite of the ability I wanted to use (ex. spam lightning to use melee) so I didn't have to worry about the mechanic basically at all.  So maybe making it only drop/raise on an enemy hit, or possibly only when in combat could solve it?  Either by designating combat areas or by checking a radius around the player?  That way if you leave one fight with near no melee power and go into another you're going to be relegated to using the lightning until you get melee power back.
  • The seeming lack of a cooldown, more specifically on the lightning makes it essentially endless damage without any danger, especially considering you can refill it's energy so easily.  A slight cooldown could help with that possibly?  Or I guess it could be solved with the 0% part I mentioned above.
  • "Converting"/Getting energy back feels a bit fast which in combination with the spammability allows you to, even if the ability only changed on enemy attack, get back your abilities a bit too fast in my opinion.  Though I'm only guessing since the game doesn't currently have the suggestion I made about energy only changing on hit so I can't test it.  In general though how fast you can switch back or change the balance of energy feels a bit too fast, but that may just be due to their being little feedback on how much damage you're dealing so I can't directly compare specific energy levels easily.

Okay... wall of text over.  Overall this was one of the most polished games in the game from what I've seen and I really enjoyed the feeling of just blinking and slashing some enemies up.  The only thing I'd ask is more levels!!!


Hey i like the way you make such a big detailed review! Would be glad if you could review mine as well, thanks