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The concept seemed interesting, though I'm not entirely sure how it fits the theme seeing a Godot game was a nice change of pace and the visuals for the player were interesting, the bear funny and the particles on the player were a nice touch.  The "men" were there...?  Anyway, some actual feedback:

  • There's not much ingame feedback.  When you pick up a fruit, when you chat with a "man" etc. there's not much feedback sound or visual wise.  Moreso visuals are there for the "men" at least.  Though it would be nice to have some sort of audio or something.  Especially when picking up a fruit, or when alerting a bear.
  • The movement was pretty nice, the particles definitely gave it a nice feel, just adding that bit of polish.  
  • The map was a little bland since there wasn't any variation so it led to a lot of going in circles and getting lost.  Especially since there's no indicator as to where the men are at.  The fruits once they spawn aren't too much of the problem.  Though the issue is getting to the first man so that everything will spawn.  That was the hard part.  I'm not entirely sure why it's like that, it would probably work better to have something like that as a separate tutorial level, and then in the main level just have it start spawning as the level boots up.
  • Avoiding the bears felt a little easy since they just immediately go back to sleep if you are out of range.  So maybe adding an extra bit that makes them follow the players last known position could be cool?
  • The Among us style vision was interesting, though I didn't notice it for the first bit because of the minimal contrast between the actual vision and the rest of the level.  So maybe giving that a bigger difference could help give some weight to the mechanic and make you worry about your vision?  Especially if the bears were more dangerous and harder to lose.

This is a pretty well done game, all things considered.  It's a bit lacking in the design compartment, but getting gameplay done is a great step.  Now comes making an interesting loop.  I hope you keep jamming tho!!! Especially with Godot!